Welcome to The Lovely Journey. This is a blog dedicated to the never-ending, self-loving journey of Lovely. Just as much as I am the owner of Lovely, I am also Lovely, the woman. I have a story to tell and things I'd like to share with you, wonderful human being.
I have been on an amazingly wonderful journey of self-love and self discovery for a while now. I had so much work to do to fix the self-loathing I created. My experiences in life taught me to put other's before myself and it ultimately shaped a very sad, hurt and disconnected person. When I say "disconnected", I mean that I could not connect my mind, soul, spirit and body as one. I lived in my mind only, unable to accept the body I was in, the soul I carried and the spirit that was dimmed. I couldn't look at the woman in the mirror and appreciate myself as I would another. I was no friend to myself, but was always, always willing be the friend to another. The self talk was so bad, sometimes I question how I made it out when the person hurting me the most was me.
Let's talk about that... "the person hurting me the most was me". That's such a powerful thing to discover. Not for anyone else, but you for. That was so life changing for me. I never understood how terrible I was to me and how much impact it was having. I talked down to myself. I said "yes" when I should have said "no". I allowed people to treat me poorly. I let me down. Now this isn't to place shame and blame on one's self, but to bring an awareness to how we start to do better for ourselves.
How did I begin to do better? Consistency and commitment to myself. Just the same as I was willing to offer the ones I love most. The very first thing I did was learn how see myself as someone worth loving. A lot of therapy and inner child work helped. I did a lot of research and heavy work on my own as well. In the end I was able to truly find "me" finally. A beautiful, loving soul who deserves just as much good as I wish onto others. I have a brand new relationship with myself. I do things differently. And so can you.
I want to use this space to share the things I have learned about self-care and self love. I am excited to let you into my version of loving yourself and I genuinely hope I can be helpful to you and your own journey. Thank you for your precious time and I hope you have the loveliest of days and nights.