Hello, lovely,
So happy you are here. The busy holidays have kept me from my desk, but I felt compelled to share today.
I thought I would talk about how I am taking care of my self during the last couple of days of 2022. Self care is so important. I can't say it enough. It's not selfish, it's necessary. I hope, my dearest friend, that you are taking good care of yourself during this busy and stressful time. If you aren't, consider this your reminder... or even your permission... to do something for you today.
To practice self care today, I am starting by asking myself what do I need and what will make me happy? Self care looks different for everyone, but I personally feel my best with a clean house. So, that's where I begin... cleaning. Sometimes this is hard to do, so I saved a candle I bought as motivation. Something about a new candle just makes me want to clean.
Once that's done and my candle is lit, time to run a bath. I can't forget that I'm a mom so putting the kids for a nap is essential. Bath's are one of my favourite things to do. I try my best to make it an extraordinary experience. Today I plan to indulge in a THC, sea salt bath. I'll be adding a bomb that turns water pink, just for that little, Lovely touch. Aromatherapy, with some ambient lighting as well, just because.
Of course, this is all taking place in between doing the things I have to do daily, like taking care of the home and the family. I used to forget self care because I always had so much to do, but now I make sure to take moments for myself. Even if it's just for a second. It helps my best self to bloom when I take time to include me in all of this hard work.
At the end of it all, when the work is done and the children are in bed, I will do whatever I want to do... and that always includes a Lovely session before I go to sleep.
Please, whatever you do after reading this, take a moment to appreciate you. You do so much, you deserve it. Ask yourself "what do I need right now?" and indulge in it. Lots of love to you always.
- Lovely
1 comment
I love hearing how you find and make time to care for yourself. You have found your balance. I’m very proud of you Jesse.! Thanks for the inspirations. I truly appreciate it all.