Happy New Year

Happy New Year

Hello there,

Happy New Year. I hope your night was wonderful and your first day of 2023 as well. 

This is a time where a lot of us start to reflect on the past year and plan for the year ahead.

It's day one of 365 and I felt almost anxious about this fresh start this morning. Which is now more uncommon for me to feel. Especially when last night, I felt at ease and secure with myself, it was odd. All the signs were there that I needed something. After some reflecting, I realized I had not been taking good care of myself. I started allowing boundaries to be crossed and the thoughts and opinions of others to shake who I am to my core and separate my soul from my mind and body. This was not the woman I worked so hard to become.

I needed to stop, be still, quiet and alone. I needed to have that inner conversation reminding myself who I am and that I am in control. I am in control of my feelings, my thoughts, all of me. Not others. And that doesn't have to matter. At the end of the day I always have me. I need to always remember that I love me just as much as my loved ones. I will treat me the same. I will no longer allow others to cross my boundaries. I will no longer listen to outside voices. I will look inside and trust the woman who is speaking to me. She is me. She is wise and wonderful. I will assure myself every day that I do have plenty to offer. I commit to myself on this first day of what will be an incredible year. It will be incredible with all of the ups and downs to come.

So, that's how I start this year. With my new best friend, me. I love her. I hope you love yourself too. If you don't, I hope this is the year you fall for you. A good way to start is with that positive self talk like I just shared. Even if you don't believe it, start by speaking in compliments and love. Practice every day until you believe it. 

Lots of love to you,


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